Our Excellent Adventures
John and I have been fortunate to have travelled throughout Canada and parts of the US. With my family on the East Coast and John's parents moving to Vancouver Island, we were never short of an excuse to "take off". At last count our hard drive is storing in excess of 7,000 images. This number is slowly climbing as we convert old 35 mm slides to a digital format. And we have not touched the old photos stored in photo albums and shoeboxes yet!
John has tried to convince me that no one is interested in our vast collection of digital pictures. He did suggest, however, that it might be interesting to include a very few selected images that might influence my art, or at least be considered artistic. To this end I have made an arbitrary allocation of topics.
In June, 2014 we travelled to Vancouver Island to enjoy 10 days exploring the west side of the island at Pacific Rim National Park. The serenity of the area was enhanced by mother natures ability to show incredible power of the waves crashing on the beach to the solitude of walking peacefully through the ancient forests. I have tried to capture these feelings in a slide show with the full expectation that this trip will influence my paintings. Enjoy and plan your own trip to the island. Vancouver Island 2014 |
In 2011 we celebrated a special occasion on the island of Maui. The sunsets over Lana'i were spectacular. I have selected several pictures from Hawai'i as well as magnificent sunsets observed across Canada. There's even a marvellous sunset seen from our apartment in Toronto. Sunset slides. |
If you read the artist notes, you will know that my roots are in the Maritimes. Our digital files contain many hundred pictures of friends and relatives. John has locked these away, but I was able to retrieve a small sample of the scenery on the east coast. Please enjoy. |
John's parents moved to Victoria, Vancouver Island in the late 1980's. This suited John's west coast mentality (closet hippy), thus we spent a fair amount of time exploring Vancouver Island. In fairness John locked away all pictures of his family as well, but I am sure you will appreciate a brief tour of the west coast. |
A number of the sunset pictures reflect Hawai'i. The environment and culture on the Islands was also spectacular. I have dedicated a section to our trip. This is for your enjoyment and, in my own little way, to torment John: wind chill of -20 as we put this information together. Hawaii Beckons |

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